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ADA4Good Cardano Mission Driven Stake Pool
Pool IDs, Infrastructure & Fees
I decided from the start:
We either do this right or we could just as well delegate to some other pool!
Ticker: A4G​
Name: ADA4Good
Pool ID: cb87bf12be816ecd5cd6e167442670e4024d85e0005c8623651b371f​

Hosting Provider #1 (Germany)
Primary Block Producer​
First Relay (Nuremberg)
Second Relay (Helsinki)
Hosting Provider #2 (Germany)
Backup Block Producer (standby online)
Third Relay (Germany)
Fourth Relay (Singapore)
Fully outsourced
DDoS Protection
99,99% uptime warranty
24/7 monitoring and alerts (grafana)
Fixed fees:
340 Ada
​paid only once per epoch
Margin fees:
2% of the remaining rewards
50% of which (1%) will be donated!

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